Natural Psoralen - Entraps the UV benefit of sun

Natural Psoralen - Entraps the UV benefit of sun

Melanin is a skin pigment that not only gives colour to the skin also protects skin cells from UVB radiation damage, reducing the risk of folate depletion, dermal degradation and increased risk of malignant melanoma, a cancer of melanocytes (melanin cells) and wholly creates a protective layer from the Sun/UV rays.

A condition where melanin is scarcely found in skin called Vitiligo, there are high chances of getting the above mentioned damages to the skin, so it is important to use any product that will absorb the sun exposure and induce the melanogenesis process and at the same time, it will also protect the vitiligenous skin from over sun exposure. As over sun exposure to the depigmented skin can be harmful.


Best cream for vitiligo,Verdura mela pro ,Verdura mela pro cream

Solution from nature!

The plant Psoralea corylifolia (Babchi) contains the active constituent Psoralen which entraps and enhances the benefit of the Sun/UV rays when mild exposure is given. It makes the skin sensitive to sunlight. Sunlight being entrapped by psoralen kindles the genetic memory of the damaged melanocytes resulting into melanin production.


Solution from nature!

Vedura melapro cream - Topical Natural Psoralen - Best cream for vitiligo

              *Quick action*     *absolutely safe*

Verdura mela pro cream, a vitiligo cream which is a Natural Psoralen contains Psoralea corylifolia acts as a ‘step up transformer’ to entrap the goodness of sun light and UV radiation to augment the success of Vitiligo.


Best cream for vitiligo,Verdura mela pro ,Verdura mela pro cream



Distinctive ingredients - Distinctive benefits

Psoralen, the vital constituent present in Psoralea corylifolia enhances the photo response of skin to maximize the advantage of sun.

Quick active and fast metabolism.

Therefore, the risk of long term photo-susceptibility of skin is nil

Hypo-allergenic and non-cytotoxic

In comparison with synthetic psoralen topical psoralen (Verdura mela pro cream) is extremely safe

Trigger the process of melanogenesis

Results in faster repigmentation of skin in vitiligo conditions

Usage instructions:

  • Apply Verdura mela pro cream over required areas and expose to Sun light for about 5 minutes and then wash. Continue regular use of Verdura Mela pro cream to enhance the effect of sun.
  • It can be used concurrently with other active treatments, if any, for Vitiligo and Psoriasis.
  • Use alternate sources of UV light if required but under the supervision of medical practitioner (when sunlight is absent or minimal).